Keynote 1: Luke Beardon
Morning Breakout Sessions
1. Early Education: Zarah Doyle and Professor Emer Ring
2. Advocacy – Advocating for your rights: Gareth Noble, Alistair de Gaetano
3. Community and Socialising – Suppoeting the Child and Family Neuroaffirmatively: Niamh Mellerick and Lucinda Murrihy
4. Employment: Marie O’Riordan
Keynote 2: Rosie King
Keynote 3: Dr Damian Milton
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
1. Communication and AAC: Amanda McGuinness and Fiona O’Mahony
2. Adult Mental Health and Well-being: Niamh Garvey
3. Autism and PDA: Dr Rachel O’Connor
4. Education – The importance of Student Voice: Finbar Horgan and Emily Mullock
Voices of our Community
Keynote 4: Fiacre Ryan